Monday, October 19, 2009

One Week...

Well, we have just under one week until we board a plane for 20+ hours of sitting - and then two weeks of living as intentional disciples of Jesus in another country. There is a lot to do, anxiety is up a little, and we're all getting ready for this amazing experience. Please keep our team - and the people of India that we will come in contact with - in your prayers as we make our final preparations. I'm sure that no matter what, God will be glorified by our going...

1 comment:

  1. Dear Rachel and all,
    I was so thankful to hear that you all were there safe. I knew God would take care of you all and will continue to take care of all of you until you are back home with us all.
    I am following your schedule and praying for you all daily. The people there have recieved a great gift of meeting you all.. I love you Rachel and look forward to having you home and to hear all the stories you will have to tell us.. My Love and prayers are with you all.
    God Bless you all
    Love You Rachel your sister
